Dream Killers (1)

Dream Killers (1)
Mon, 7 Jan 2019
'He dreamed still another dream.' Genesis 37:9 NKJV

For the next few days let's look at some dream killers:discouragement. A story was told of a couple who loved mushrooms and bought a few kilograms of them from a roadside seller. They made mushroom omelettes, mushroom salad, mushroom soup, and even creatively concocted a mushroom dessert. Even their cat gobbled up the leftover mushrooms. Later the lady went into her kitchen and found the cat lying on the floor, gasping for breath. She immediately phoned the vet who said they'd probably bought some poisoned toadstools and advised them to go to the hospital immediately. When the couple came home from the hospital, they expected to see their cat lying lifeless on the floor. Instead the cat was in the corner with a brand new litter of kittens. What they thought were death pains were just birth pains!

When it seems that your dream is gasping its last breath, keep believing God; you're closer to giving birth than you've ever been. Don't let discouragement kill your dream. Joseph dreamed a second dream, an even bigger one! 'This time, the sun, the moon, and the eleven stars bowed down to me.' (Genesis 37:9 NKJV) If you've abandoned your dream because of discouragement, rise up and reclaim it. If you've already fulfilled it, ask God for a bigger one. You say, 'But the challenge looks too big for me.' It's not too big for God, you'll never out-dream Him. In His Word He asks, 'Is anything too hard for the Lord?' (Genesis 18:14 NKJV) You may die with your dream on the drawing board or under construction or left to be completed by another, but you must seek God and dream again!

SoulFood: Isa 17–21, Luke 1:57–66, Ps 42:1–5, Pro 1:20–27
Dream Killers (1) Dream Killers (1) Reviewed by Doctor B on 10:11 PM Rating: 5

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